Wolverine - So What Was All That Fuss About?

A poor cliché ridden storyline with plot holes galore, awful casting in the bit parts (such as Taylor Kitsch as Gambit and Lynn Collins as Kayla), underuse of the strongest cast members (i.e. Liev Schreiber and Ryan Reynolds) and Crystal-Skulls-bad CG in parts made Wolverine a passable, average comic book movie. It wasn’t bad enough to sit alongside Catwoman, but it basically ignored the bar that was raised last year by The Dark Knight, Iron Man and even The Incredible Hulk. It will eventually find a place in my DVD press beside the first three X-Men films, but not until it goes on sale in the three for two offer in HMV.

Movie News 22/04/09

Well hello fellow movie buffs, as Star Trek, Wolverine, Terminator Salvation, Transformers, Harry Potter and Angels & Demons all edge closer to our screens, it’s worth remembering that there are other things going on in the world of film: Arnold Schwarzenegger has been talking about his cameo in the new Terminator movie. It seems he agreed to do it as long as the technology was right and he didn’t have to perform. He’s a busy man these days. Anyway, I’m interested to see John Connor’s reaction when he sets eyes on Arnie’s T-800 or the first time in many years. Wolverine’s Hugh Jackman has been immortalised in stone. Well his hands have at least: he has left his his hand and foot prints into cement outside the famous Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood. Oh, and there is a new Wolverine trailer now available. I don’ see much different in this … There’s more