TV Soundtracks: The West Wing

Maybe it was the release of The Social Network reminding us of Aaron Sorkin’s genius, maybe it was the fact that Martin ‘President Bartlet’ Sheen has been in town for JDIFF, maybe it’s just that it’s been far too long, but we’ve been re-watching our West Wing boxset here at Culch towers and my, my is it providing us with one hell of a good time. Aside from the fact that the entire show is a masterclass in snappy dialogue and the cameramen seem to be forever managing continuous sweeping shots that follow characters walking down corridors and moving from room to room without a break (can you tell we’re in love?) this time around we’ve been noticing that the soundtrack was rather something too. Here’s our top ten. 10. Desire, Ryan Adams (Season 6: King Corn)

Culchie Calling Cards - Gigs - October 18 - 24 2010

One Night Only (terrible name for a band if you think of the posters) take their second album on tour stopping off, visiting the Academy 2 in Dublin on Wednesday 20th October. The first single from this album “Say You Don’t Want It” (embedded below) features an actress called “Emma Watson” that you might know from a few movies. By the way, is it just me or does the lead singer look like he’s channelling the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? No Age perform live at Whelan’s, Dublin on Sunday 10 October with Male Bonding, Silje Nes and Mice Parade. No Age’s album “Everything in Between”, release date Friday 24 September was recorded in Los Angeles from the end of 2009 and into 2010 by the duo of Dean Spunt and Randy Randall. They emerged from former band Wives in 2005, to become No Age, part of the … There’s more