Neil’s Movie Round-up #3

Attack The Block’s premise is so simple. Aliens (think big critters, rather than Mork) land in South London. They chase local shennagians-ers around for a bit, and everyone learns a little something. Joe Cornish has since co-written Tintin with Steven Moffat and Edgar Wright, a fanboy’s Holy Trinity. With “Attack” he has more than paid his dues to be associated with these writers. Yes, the story is basic, and the creatures are made from shaved dogs and blue tack, but it’s the simplicity of his characters in an unforgiving and depraved environment that works. They are criminals, but Cornish never patronises youth and circumstance, and the story evolves into more social drama than scary film. Jodie Whitaker’s Sam, mid-invasion, hears that her initial attackers were more scared during their first meeting and the subsequent robbery than she was. It is such a simple revelation, but it anchors the tone (and … There’s more