Sweary’s Jaw

Surreptitiously stalking Beyonce through Brown Thomas’ knickers department, so you don’t have to. With the country under water, the public sector workers out sulking in the rain, and Thierry Henry not yet imprisoned, us lot could do with a larf. But what to do? Comedy Clubs serve expensive drinks, and Twink-baiting is far too dangerous. If only there was a ready source of shits and giggles, gratis, of course, as free and easy as Lindsay Lo… wait! That’s it! Celebrities! Collectively, they provide enough sniggers to keep Mr. T. going for a calendar year, they do. Enough with the faffing about! Let this week’s circus begin! While “normal” teens (ewwww) are frothing at their yellow, crooked gnashers over the Twilight Saga now that New Moon has slithered into the cinema, one could deduce that it’s absolutely refreshing that Ms. Miley Cyrus, a.k.a. Hannah Montana, a.k.a. Billie Ray JR, a.k.a. the … There’s more

X Blather, with Ronan and Sweary!

What better way to watch a show as entertaining and giddy and gloriously pointless as The X Factor than with another Culchie just as hopelessly devoted as yourself? Sweary and Ronan thought so. Gasp at their thoughtful analysis! Admire their reasoned debate! Laugh at how hopelessly incorrect their predictions were! Yes, folks, it’s time! For Ronan and Sweary! To face! THE MUSIC! The X Factor: George Michael Week As the preamble begins, and the butter melts into the popcorn, our intrepid correspondents swap reflections on the story so far. Well, at least as much of it as they can fit into the time taken up by The X Factor’s mandatory recap of last week’s show. Sweary: First thing’s first. I love Stacey Ronan: What is it about her? Her voice? Sweary: I used to love her voice … she’s starting to bore me a bit now, but she seems like … There’s more