NINE review

Lucky little me got to see five times Golden Globe nominated movie NINE on Wednesday with thanks to Kate Bowe PR. The five nominations are for Best Actor (Daniel Day Lewis), Best Actress (Marion Cotillard), Best Supporting Actress (Penelope Cruz), Best Song (Cinema Italiano, featured in the trailer below) and finally, Best Picture of the Year. Guido “Maestro” Contini is film director extraordinare in Italy in 1965. He is about to embark on his ninth film and although his early films were huge hits that became a fabric of Italian and Roman society, his more recent films have been flops.

Movie News 02/04/09

In more 3D news, both 3D updates of Toy Story and Toy Story 2 will be released as a double feature in cinemas for a short period in October. Not a bad idea. The Sex and the City Movie sequel will hit theaters May 28, 2010. Joy! </sarcasm> Don’t forget to check out Keira Knightley’s Domestic Abuse video. Okay, I mentioned before that A Nightmare on Elm Street is being remade. Well, here’s a novel approach for auditioning for a role - Chris Johnson made his own trailer for the new film and cast himself as Freddy. This is truly brilliant: They’re going ahead with making Men in Black III. No details yet and neither Will Smith nor Tommy Lee Jones have signed up thus far. I really don’t see any reason to make this after the abysmal MIB2. No word on Barry Sonnenfeld’s involvement either.