Monday Morning Popped Culture: I Hate Maniac 2000.

Because it’s Monday, and because it’s Back To School Day for the majority of Ireland’s smallies, and because we haven’t had a single glob of daycent sunshine since Easter, I thought we might all have a little chat about hate, and hatred, and revelling in the fact that you hate something, and growing stronger from said hatred. Oh, come on. There has to be something you don’t feel bad about hating. Hitler, for example. You couldn’t possibly be made feel ashamed for stating, “Y’know, I hate Hitler” to the world at large. Some people hate certain foodstuffs, and since foodstuffs are inanimate objects (some only since the exact moment of consumption, in fairness), we shouldn’t feel bad about hating them. I hate milk. I don’t think I’m hurting anyone’s feelings by saying I hate milk. The cows? No, the cows are more than likely delighted that I hate milk. The … There’s more