Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Remembered, nearly

Director: Michel “Can’t spell Michael properly cos I’m French” Gondry Writers: Charlie “Get some Benelyn and sort out that” Kaufman Michel “You stupeed Ireesh, zat is ow you spell my name” Gondry Cast: Lloyd Christmas Yer wan from Titanic Fucking Frodo Mary Jane Watson from Spiderman Story: In a time when people can’t deal with breaking up, they use a machine to completely remove their ex from their memory. Ireland has 4 million of these on order to rid our memories of Fianna Fáil, among other things. Veriew: Yer wan from Titanic looks hawt in blue hair, red hair, green hair and she has that weird wanna do her but don’t know why vibe going on. Lloyd Christmas reverts to his child self at one stage and Fucking Frodo and Mary Jane Watson from Spiderman do some stuff to Lloyd Christmas’ mind that makes it eternally sunshiny because it’s spotless, … There’s more

Movie News 22/04/09

Well hello fellow movie buffs, as Star Trek, Wolverine, Terminator Salvation, Transformers, Harry Potter and Angels & Demons all edge closer to our screens, it’s worth remembering that there are other things going on in the world of film: Arnold Schwarzenegger has been talking about his cameo in the new Terminator movie. It seems he agreed to do it as long as the technology was right and he didn’t have to perform. He’s a busy man these days. Anyway, I’m interested to see John Connor’s reaction when he sets eyes on Arnie’s T-800 or the first time in many years. Wolverine’s Hugh Jackman has been immortalised in stone. Well his hands have at least: he has left his his hand and foot prints into cement outside the famous Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood. Oh, and there is a new Wolverine trailer now available. I don’ see much different in this … There’s more

Movie News 17/03/09

Reportedly Rihanna is in talks to remake The Bodyguard. The only good thing about this is that it might help wash away the memory of the awful original. God, I hate Keven Costner… (I wonder will Chris Brown be considered for the part of the bodyguard) Sam Jackson has signed on to play Nick Fury again. Not once, not twice, not thrice, but 9 more times. He will don the eye patch again for more cameos in Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America, The Avengers, some more sequels and for the lead in S.H.I.E.L.D. I mentioned it before on my own blog that Ridley Scott is planning a movie based on the board game Monopoly, but now Gore Verbinski is planning a film version of Cluedo. I guess it makes more sense than Monopoly - at least the murder mystery plot is easy to grasp than a plot where a … There’s more