Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Mystery

No cheating etc, or I’ll set up a petition to get more Jennifer Lopez films made. I mean it. Guess the movie: - Released in 1993 Tori Amos was considered for the female lead Tom Hanks, Chevy Chase, John Travolta and Steve Martin were all considered for the lead male role. None of them got it. There are 38 days depicted in this film, either in full or part. Although the director revealed on the DVD commentary that the character could have gone through it for 10 years.

Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Mystery

You know the rules, no cheating or something bad will happen to a random puppy. I live right beside a shelter too, so don’t think I won’t. Guess the movie - Released in 1990. Robert Downey Jr, Tom Cruise and Jim Carrey were all considered for the lead role. The first draft of the script was written as a musical. Only 169 words are spoken by the title character. Backstreet Boy, Nick Carter was also in this film. Albeit briefly.

Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Mystery

I’m back. But the cheating rule still stands. You may not use Google, Twitter, Facebook, the IMDB, Wikipedia, texting, emailing, phone calling, writing, and/or Jedi mind tricks or any other form of cheating. I’m watching and I know where you live. If you cheat you’ll have to attend a comedy workshop by Ben Stiller. Irony defined. OOO000OOO Guess the movie - Filmed entirely in 18 days Pig guts were used as human guts Rumour has it that Danny Glover didn’t know what he was signing on for

Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Mystery

If you cheat on this I’ll post every Ashton Kutcher movie. You may not use Google, Twitter, Facebook, the IMDB, Wikipedia, texting, emailing, phone calling, writing, and/or Jedi mind tricks or any other form of cheating. I’m watching and I know where you live. That Demi Moore stealing scrote makes my blood boil. OOO000OOO Guess the movie - You’re not getting the release year this time The “F” word and it’s variations are used 292 times The word “Dude” is used 161 times. 160 times spoken, and once in a fake movie title credit sequence The main character says “man” 147 times

Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Mystery

If you cheat on this I’ll post the infamous internet Betty White hidden camera incident. You may not use Google, Twitter, Facebook, the IMDB, Wikipedia, texting, emailing, phone calling, writing, and/or Jedi mind tricks or any other form of cheating. I’m watching and I know where you live. No matter what you think it’s like, nothing prepares you.  Seriously. OOO000OOO Guess the movie - Released in 1998 Edward Norton was offered the title role, but turned it down Body count of 208 40 barrels of fake blood were used in the opening scene Mel Gibson and Harrison Ford were both considered for the lead role, but neither got it Scott Frank and Frank Darabont both worked on the script

Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Mystery

If you cheat on this I’ll kill the puppy. You may not use Google, Twitter, Facebook, the IMDB, Wikipedia, texting, emailing, phone calling, writing, and/or Jedi mind tricks or any other form of cheating. I’m watching and I know where you live. The puppy is really cute but it’s just curled one out on my new rug, so I don’t need much more of a reason. OOO000OOO Guess the movie - Released in 2007 Warner Bros had owned the rights to the book since the 70′s At one point Arnold Schwarzenegger was in the lead role with Ridley Scott directing, but production fell apart Faith no More band member Mike Patton provided vocals and sound effects for the movie The studio gave the green light for the film even before a script was written

Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Mystery

If you cheat in this I’ll make you watch each and every Jack Black movie to try and find one that doesn’t feature him running out of breath before the end of a sentence. You may not use Google, Twitter, Facebook, the IMDB, Wikipedia, texting, emailing, phone calling, writing, and/or Jedi mind tricks or any other form of cheating. I’m watching and I know where you live. It’s near impossible, it’s like he forgets that he has to inhale after exhaling. Tool. 000OOO000 Guess the movie - Released in 1988 Jack Nicholson and Robert De Niro both turned down the same one of two lead roles The actor who did get the role convinced the producers and director to let him play the character as withdrawn, not happy and full of energy and joy as written in the script The fart in the phone box scene was improvised when one … There’s more

Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Mystery

Cheating in this will result in you having to look through Whoopi Goldberg’s never seen Playboy shoot. You may not use Google, Twitter, Facebook, the IMDB, Wikipedia, texting, emailing, phone calling, writing, and/or Jedi mind tricks or any other form of cheating. I’m watching and I know where you live. You’d never have thought she could have been less funny until you see her in the nip. 000OOO000 Guess the movie - Released in 2006 Bill Murray and Robin Williams were both offered one of the lead male roles, both turned it down The heroin used in the film is crushed up vitamin tablets 5 identical Volkswagen’s were used during filming From start to finish, it took 5 years to complete the movie

Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Mystery

Cheating in this will result in you having to watch Transformers 2 - Revenge of the Fallen. You may not use Google, Twitter, Facebook, the IMDB, Wikipedia, texting, emailing, phone calling, writing, and/or Jedi mind tricks or any other form of cheating. I’m watching and I know where you live. Trust me, Transformers 2 is muck, and that’s being nice about it. 000OOO000 Guess the movie - Released in 1982 Deborah Harry (Blondie) screen tested for a part Peter O’Toole had already signed on, but dropped out when he visited the set The movie wasn’t popular at the time, but the video game based on it was. It actually out grossed the movie Loads of Disney animators refused to work on the film thinking that they’d be fired in favour of computer animation Flashing glitches in the final edit of the film were made part of the movie by adding … There’s more

Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Mystery

Cheating in this will result in you having to lick the underside of John Goodman’s left man boob. You may not use Google, Twitter, Facebook, the IMDB, Wikipedia, texting, emailing, phone calling, writing, and/or Jedi mind tricks or any other form of cheating. I’m watching and I know where you live. John’s been in an Aran jumper on a treadmill, so he’s ripe. 000OOO000 Guess the movie - Released in 1999 Terry Gilliam didn’t direct it Kirsten Dunst didn’t star in it Paula Abdul choreographed I believe a rumour that Tom Hanks was offered the lead role I do not believe a rumour that Chevy Chase was offered the lead role

Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Mystery

Cheating in this will result in you being made to go on a date with Ben Affleck’s chin. You may not use Google, Twitter, Facebook, the IMDB, Wikipedia, texting, emailing, phone calling, writing, and/or Jedi mind tricks or any other form of cheating. I’m watching and I know where you live. Under the clock at Clery’s you’ll go. 000OOO000 Guess the movie - Released in 1980 American chat show host David Letterman screen tested for the movie Barry Manilow was considered for a role in the movie Christopher Lee turned down a role in the movie It took only 34 days to shoot The last sentence of the copyright notice in the end credits is “So there!”

Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Mystery

Cheating in this will result in you being made to watch Play TV from start to finish to try and find some personality in the presenters. You may not use Google, Twitter, Facebook, the IMDB, Wikipedia, texting, emailing, phone calling, writing, and/or Jedi mind tricks or any other form of cheating. I’m watching and I know where you live. 000OOO000 Guess the movie - Released in 1975 Christopher Lloyd’s first movie The lead role was originally offered to James Caan, Gene Hackman and Marlon Brando. The director really wanted Burt Reynolds. None of them got it. Anjelica Huston appears briefly Many of the extras weren’t extras at all That’s all you’re getting. It’s getting to the stage where I’ll just give you a release date and make you guess from that….

Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Mystery

Cheating in this will result in you being taken to the latest Eddie Murphy “comedy”. You may not use Google, Twitter, Facebook, the IMDB, Wikipedia, texting, emailing, phone calling, writing, and/or Jedi mind tricks or any other form of cheating. I’m watching and I know where you live. I’ve got a ticket with your name on it. 000OOO000 Guess the movie - This was the first ever Disney feature available on DVD Originally released in 1940 Mel Blanc voiced characters in the film, then his work was left out of the final cut. This was one of two times he had ever worked for Disney. The other time being on “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?“ It was the second of Disney’s feature films to use the rotoscoping technique I fear I’ve said too much already.

Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Mystery

Cheating in this will result in you having to sit through Jennifer Lopez’s entire back catalogue of movies, music, interviews and so forth, without a bathroom or suicide break. You may not use Google, Twitter, Facebook, the IMDB, Wikipedia, texting, emailing, phone calling, writing, and/or Jedi mind tricks or any other form of cheating. I’m watching and I know where you live. Yup, that’s me outside your bathroom window. 000OOO000 Right then, you film buffs who I’m convinced are doing some cheating anyway, here’s one that should take you some time. All you’re getting is a few members of the cast. No release date, no trivia, nothing. Guess the movie - Cast: Bill Murray Steve Coogan Jack White Cate Blanchett Alfred Molina Iggy Pop Steve Buscemi

Colonel Popcorn’s Minute Movie Mystery

Cheating in this will result in you being stuck in a lift with Tom Cruise during Scientology recruitment month. You may not use Google, Twitter, Facebook, the IMDB, Wikipedia, texting, emailing, phone calling, writing, and/or Jedi mind tricks or any other form of cheating. I’m watching and I know where you live. So does Tom Cruise. 000OOO000 Guess the movie - Released in 1985 Jeff Goldblum was considered for a role that went to Christopher Lloyd Ralph Macchio (The Karate Kid) was reportedly offered the lead role and turned it down An early test screening for the film had audiences hating it, thinking the dog had been killed Some of the films sets and locations were also used in Gremlins, and Bruce Almighty The actor playing the father of the lead character is 3 years younger than the actor he’s playing father to You’ve probably gotten it already, but anything … There’s more