Oscar Predictions: Best Actor

Oscar Predictions: Best Actor*   I write this post today in the knowledge that the Academy has yet again made a dumbfounding decision to leave Senna out of the long list for nominations for Best Documentary ahead of next year’s ceremony. With this in mind, it leads me to believe there will be no real surprises from the Awards next year. This has been stressed before, this blog series is to prove just how predictable, and on occasion ridiculously wrong, the Academy can be and this week I barely needed to set that up. They have, in one fell swoop, alienated film lovers the world over by leaving out possibly one of the finest documentaries I have ever seen. To twist the knife in further, they will no doubt invent some outlandish rule as to why this has happened “oh well, we couldn’t include that on the nomination list, because, … There’s more

Movie Review: Moneyball

Baseball. America’s National Pastime, and a complete mystery to everybody else (ok, ok, apart from some Cubans and some Japanese). So here’s a two-hour film about it: Enjoy! Moneyball tells the story of Oakland Athletics general manager Bill Beane, and how he used statistical analysis and a value-for-money approach to assemble a team of relative misfits that went on the longest unbeaten run in the history of professional baseball. Bear with me, I promise there’s interesting stuff ahead. Beane (Brad Pitt) has just had a hugely successful year with the A’s but, with the smallest budget of any Major League Baseball team, all of his best players jump ship for bigger, better contracts. Tasked to replace them, he ends up looking for players at the Cleveland Indians and stumbles upon an advisor to his Indians counterpart whose role he can’t quite figure out. This advisor has a name, Peter Brand … There’s more

Oscar Predictions: Best Film

The Oscars: Best Film Prediction* Each and every year for as long as I can remember, I have sat up to ungodly hours of the morning watching the Oscar ceremony. I can’t explain what this means to a film reviewer, it’s basically like our Christmas. As you are no doubt aware, Christmas gave you that warm, fuzzy feeling for weeks in advance and a lack of sleep, with a minor development of exhaustion, waiting for Santa. However, also like Christmas, you will eventually realise it is a massive fraud where you have been lied to consistently for years in order to keep you blind to the reality that nothing in this world is pure. You will continue to play along because there is always younger people concerned and you are so desperate to hold on to those nostalgic feelings, you will try convince yourself of anything, including a deer with … There’s more