Happy movie scenes (in praise of great Fridays)

(Grumpy people will either HATE this post, or be cheered up, but if happy clappy cheerful movie scenes ain’t your thing, run away now). Ever have one of those days when everything is just brilliant? I’m having one today, but of course no one really wants to hear that things are great with someone. We look for the dark side, the pointed “ah but what about how full of fail you are?” and the way to bring the person back to crushing reality. Not so in the movies though. There’s a certain talent there to make an awesome day seem even better. There’s some movies I can think of that do it really really well - so well they’re memorable, they look like fun to have been in and I’d love to give it a go. Sometimes it feels like I’m in one. The term “great movie scenes” invoke a … There’s more