Movie News 19/03/09

So, because I was in recovery mode for much of yesterday I couldn’t find time to post the Movie News. Sorry… Firstly, spare a thought for the family of Natasha Richardson today. Natasha, aged 45, passed away last night as a result of injuries sustained in her skiing accident a few days ago. She leave behind her husband, Liam Neeson, two children, Michael and Daniel and is also survived by her mother Vanessa Redgrave. Kevin Costner and Tommy Lee Jones are set to star in The Company Men, a drama about the impact that a corporate downsizing has on both its casualties and survivors. They join Ben Affleck, who plays a corporate hotshot whose fancy lifestyle vanishes after he gets laid off. Costner plays his brother-in-law, a drywall installer who gives him a construction job, while Jones plays a senior partner in the firm, a principled man who struggles with … There’s more

Natasha Richardson seriously injured in ski accident

Actress Natasha Richardson, the wife of Liam Nesson, the daughter of Vanessa Redgrave has been in a serious ski accident and is said to be in critical condition in a hospital. It’s believed she was taken to a hospital near the ski resort of Mont Tremblant, about 75 miles from Montreal suffering from a ‘traumatic brain injury.”