Thank you for having your say in protecting the Arts in Ireland
We talked about it, we suggested it, some of you flashmobbed and more of you did it. You have helped the Arts in Ireland. Actors Cathy Belton and Fiona Bell take time out of appearing in Abbie Spallen’s play ‘STRANDLINE’, presented by Fishamble: The New Play Company at Project Arts Centre, to sign the NATIONAL CAMPAIGN FOR THE ARTS online petition against further cuts to the arts in the 2010 Budget. Pic by: Ros Kavanagh This morning, the people behind the National Campaign for the Arts presented their petition, signed by over 10,000 people, to Minister for Arts, Martin Cullen TD. They urged the Minister to disclose the demands of the NCFA to the senior cabinet in the run up to Budget 2010. That could help a lot of people working in the Arts and ensure that some great literary, dramatic, musical and film work continues to be promoted in … There’s more