New Music: Marina & The Diamonds’ “Fear and Loathing”

Christ, fellow emeralds! It’s a new song from Marina and The Diamonds! This is Fear and Loathing, Part 1 of an introduction to Electra Heart, an alter-ego which Marina says “epitomises and embodies the lies, illusions and death of American ideologies involved in the corruption of self”. Mmm, conceptual. Part 2 comes next Monday. Anyone who knows anything about me knows that I adore Ms. Diamandis, because she’s unashamedly pop and unashamedly intellectual, honest, raw and vulnerable, like shards of sugar glass. Fear and Loathing is rather pretty, but I have a feeling it will work best in context. I reserve full hyperventilating, gushing judgement till then.

The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala.

It’s not a random word generation or an epic fail from Google Translate; it’s the title of the new single from the Arctic Monkeys*, the second from Suck It And See. Here, have a shimmy at the video, directed by the Focus Creeps. It’s got a catsuit-wearing bird in who swoons a bit in a corridor. The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala is released on August 12th. Christ. Sounds like a threat from a psychotic zookeeper, doesn’t it? *Anyone else wish they were called the Artic Monkeys? Imagine articulated monkeys. Hoho! What larfs!