The Nintendo 3DS - Should we care?


Last week Japanese gaming behemoths Nintendo announced the European release date (March 25th) for their latest shiny piece of kit, The Nintendo 3DS. So the question is: Should we care? Or is this just another piece of plastic aimed at emptying out the wallets of spotty teenage boys? Well I for one believe we should. So whats new this time? The clue is in the title. The 3DS will be the first gaming console to offer authentic three dimensional graphics WITHOUT the need for any dorky glasses. Nintendo have pioneered ‘stereoscopic’ technology, that delivers jaw dropping depth of field to the gaming experience. It uses two overlaying screens and a polarising filter that sends slightly differing images to each eye, tricking the brain into seeing the image in 3D – or something like that!?! The 3DS is also equipped with a ‘depth slider’ that allows you to manually adjust the … There’s more

Hands on - Games out this week

Video games are increasingly taking a more central role in our lives and in the ever broadening scope of popular culture. With that in mind I wanted to keep you all abreast of the current situation in gaming. This week sees the release of one of the biggest games of the year, along with a new karaoke title for PlayStation, a cross-platform fantasy role-playing game and the third iteration of a platforming favourite. So let’s take a look at what’s on offer…