I’m off to The Gaiety School of Acting Adult Drama Course

Oh yes, it’s true, there was once a time when I was shy and retiring, when I’d sooner hide in the background than stand out in the crowd. Nothing like the noisy irritant I am today. Then a girl who I had a crush on (I thought I was in love) dragged me along to an evening drama course. On the first evening, so much did I blend into the surroundings, the teacher didn’t even notice me sitting there and skipped over my introduction, while everyone else gave their name and reason for doing the course. However, by the end of the course, I was a different person. I had found a confidence I never knew existed; I was performing (badly, granted) in front of a crowd of people; my head was held high and it marked a new turning point for me. Now, I’m not suggesting everyone will have … There’s more

YouTube fails to remove video of man being hit by train

Can someone explain how this thread has not been locked and the link removed? It seems as though the video was leaked from the police investigation… I assume there is a reason why it is still up, so can someone please point it out? There’s outrage on Boards.ie at the moment about how a You Tube video showing a man being hit by a train is allowed to stay on the Cool Vids & Pics & Links forum, traditionally a place where, well, the content is pretty much as it says on the title. Much of the ire is sparked by the content of the video itself: +1 to the removal of this link. I’m a fairly roley-poley, fun-loving chap at the best of times but this video still being allowed to be potentially watched by children is just ridiculous.