Sweary’s Jaw
Surreptitiously petitioning for Lindsay Lohan’s release, so you don’t have to. There’s such a gender imbalance in celebrity gossip, don’t you think? Female celebrities are subject to much deeper scrutiny than their male counterparts - their weight, their hair, their clothes, their partying, all of which are much more readily criticised. The “standard” for female celebrities is a much narrower concept than that for men, with little room for quirks or nonconformity. So naturally, women are more likely to be featured in gossip columns and much more likely to be made the butt of the jokes of a sad skanger (that’d be me) … because there’s just that bit more interest, that bit more fodder, that bit more scope for natural deviance from the stiff, virtuous ideal they’re supposed to adhere to. Oh, hold on. The fellas are misbehaving this week! Caloo calay for equal rights! Caloo calay, too, for … There’s more