West Side Story - Remembered

Directors: Jerome Robbins Robert Wise Screenwriter: Ernest Lehman Book: Arthur Laurents Music and Lyrics: Leanard Bernstein Stephen Sondheim Cast: Lip syncing Natalie Wood (She’s a fraud) Lip syncing Richard Beymer (Ditto) Some American ballet dancing finger clicking fruity gang bangers Some Greek salsa/tango/mambo dancing feet stomping fruity immigrant gang bangers pretending to be Puerto Ricans. Story: The fruity American dancers don’t like it that their ‘hood is being taken over by the Greeks, probably because they dress better. The head of the fruity Americans gets a massive stiffy over the sister of the leader of the Greeks. Shits gonna hit the fan, but not without 7 years of jazz and two of ballet training it’s not. Think “Grand Theft Auto” as imagined through the eyes of that bald gay dude from Sex and the City series after falling asleep watching Romeo and Juliet. Veriew: It all starts off with an … There’s more