New Music: Paul Melia - Summer in the Sand

This one came to us via Twitter where the singer himself asked if we were interested in checking it out. The poppy, happy summer sound is not bad at all and Melia’s voice is extremely pleasant to listen to. Paul Melia-Summer In The Sand by Paul Melia Facebook tells us that 25-year-old Melia, perhaps known to some of you from Electric Picnic 2010, has synaesthesia - “As he describes it himself ‘ it’s a feeling of knowing where things go in the overall arrangement’. The songs on ‘Hold Onto The Colours’ demonstrate this very special sensibility and play with the listeners ears in a way that is quite unique” which makes this an interesting offering in itself, but add to that drums from Johnny Boyle of The Frames and there’s something here worth paying attention to to see how it pans out.

Culchie Calling Cards – Gigs – August 30 - September 5 2010

GIGS On Friday, The seventh Electric Picnic starts is Stradbally. This is a biggie and others here have already covered it, so I’ll direct you to their coverage. Triskel Art Centre presents ‘Two Solos’ on Wednesday 1 September, not in the centre, but in the River Lee Hotel (formerly Jury’s) Western Road, Cork. The jazz soloists are Eugene Chadbourne on banjo and Paul G Smyth on piano. Paul Melia’s first solo live show in Dublin will take place on Wednesday 1 September in Bewley’s theatre on Grafton Street. From a piano playing seven year old two of the major influencing factors in Paul’s musical development were his somewhat aborted classical training alongside the fact that he is synaesthetic; the neurologically-based phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. Its different with most people. Sometimes the music … There’s more