Mass Effect 2 Review

I was a little sceptical coming up to the release of Mass Effect 2. Ever since Modern Warfare 2 became the most popular thing ever and somebody discovering that if you make games to make money then taking money from the development team and putting it into advertising instead is guaranteed to increase your sales, I been very cautious of a game that you can see everywhere coming up to its release. Thankfully Bioware and EA Games seem to have gotten the balance right because Mass Effect 2 (PC, Xbox 360) is not over hyped shoot ‘em up rubbish, it’s really damn good Sci-Fi and even better role playing combined with better than average shoot ‘em up bits.

Hands on - Games out this week

Video games are increasingly taking a more central role in our lives and in the ever broadening scope of popular culture. With that in mind I wanted to keep you all abreast of the current situation in gaming. This week sees the release of one of the biggest games of the year, along with a new karaoke title for PlayStation, a cross-platform fantasy role-playing game and the third iteration of a platforming favourite. So let’s take a look at what’s on offer…

Two Weeks Later, Living with 7

Microsoft is PC operating software king. Windows is the most dominant platform on PCs today, holding just over 96% of the market. So when the company brings out a new OS it’s time to sit up and listen. Their latest, Windows 7, launched with much fanfare two weeks ago today, on October 22nd, 2009. I promptly installed it on my desktop and on my laptop, replacing previous incarnations of Windows. So 14 days in what’s the new system like to use?