Movie News 13/03/09
Continuing my churn through the latest movie news, I have found yet another horror classic is to be rehashed remade. Stephen King’s It, the stuff of many a childhood nightmare will return to the big screen. Is there anyone creepier than Tim Curry who could play Pennywise? Kind of non-news this: Keira Knightley will not return for the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie. She’s had enough of the franchise. Haven’t we all? A bunch of release dates announced: Thor will be out in June 2011, Iron Man 2 in May 2010, Captain America will see the light of day in May 2010, as will Spiderman 4 and The Avengers movie won’t hit the screens until May 2012. It’s all so very far away… Speaking of Iron Man 2 (I was, honest), both Scarlett Johansson and Mickey Rourke have signed on. I. Cannot. Wait. (But I guess I’ll have to) … There’s more