Terminator Salvation - You Know, For Kids

Here’s an interesting one. When McG sat into the driving seat of the new Terminator Trilogy, he was told by Warner Bros execs that he could make the movie any rating he chose. He said, at the time, that though he wasn’t against a PG-13 rating (the equivalent over here could be 12A, 15A or 16) he would let the movie decide as it came into fruition. In early sample footage, there was a topless scene with Moon Bloodgood (awesome name), which indicated that it was likely to be going for an R rating (18 Certificate over here). In the last week, it’s come out that Warner Bros want him to remove the topless scene (it’s worth noting that according to those who have seen it, it’s not gratuitous) and this would lead us to believe that execs want to go for the PG13 rating to attract the lucrative young … There’s more