Ad Nauseam: Craig Doyle, everyone’s favourite re-brand man
Will someone please explain to me what it is about Craig Doyle that makes people want to fall over themselves to give him lots of money for chat shows and advertising campaigns? I mean I think I know what it is. He’s nice, and safe, and squeaky clean. He’s the type of guy your Granny would want you to bring home. Then again, even your Granny might get slightly worried once she saw the perfectly ironed crease in his jeans. Obviously Craig has got it - whatever ‘it’ is. He’s a trusted face, a man who can guide us through the stormy waters of change. Iarnród Éireann used him in their campaign a few years back to show off their jazzy new fleet. That was back in the good old days when the public coffers were so full of cash semi-state bodies could afford to brag about themselves on telly. … There’s more