Alternative Christmas Mixtape: Day 1

This day two weeks we’ll be gathering up the Roses wrappers and looking into a future filled with turkey sandwiches until the leftovers are dealt with. Ever ones to enjoy a countdown, we’ll be marking off the days to Christmas with our alternative Christmas mixtape, some off the beaten tracks to celebrate the season as selected by our friends in the land of music. Today’s choice is by Ronan Hunt-Murphy. There’s a saying that many religious people say about this time of year: “You can’t have Christmas without Christ”. I’m not religious, but it’s the one time of the year I actually do go to mass. And you know what? I like going and hearing the nativity story. It has all the gift giving you need, but no mistletoe or wine. Surely that’s not a bad thing. Similarly, my favourite Christmas song is simply titled ‘Christmas Song’, by Dave Matthews … There’s more

Swear I’m Not Red?

Ever wanted to see our very own Ronan Hunt-Murphy a.k.a prolific Irish music blogger Swearimnotpaul? Well, now you can, for a full 3 and a half minutes as he guides you through the world of Irish music in his very own videocast (podcasting is SO 2008). REDmusic Review is a quirky jaunt recommending what to listen out for, what to download for free, what to pay to download and what to watch on YouTube. Including music ‘parrot’ees. :rollseyes: The videocast itself is a pilot for an online show with RTÉ Young Peoples for their hit show Apartment Red: And may we add without bias that we think he does a great job, rather dashingly it must be said. Ronan is a with great clout when it comes to recommending music. His blog, now to be found at has received countless nominations from the 2010 Irish Web Awards … There’s more