What do you think of the trailer for Scream 4?

Well, I have no idea what I was expecting, but I was definitely expecting something better than this. Maybe I was being naive, but it’s from Wes Craven!!! I thought he could do it again - revive a stagnating genre. He was the Prince of Horror in the 70s, the King of Horror in the 90s, but if this trailer is anything to go by, the king has gone the way of George III - he’s lost the plot. Update: The Weinsteins have removed the trailer from YouTube, but pop over to the Den of Geek and you can still see it there. Thoughts?

Two Sheets to the Wind: Top Five Horror Heroes

We’ve covered our Top Five Slashers, Vampires and Zombies but what’s a horror without those fallible yet seemingly indestructible souls who despite always running upstairs rather than out the door manage to either get away with it or save the day. Those protagonists who possess no superpowers or special skill other than sheer determination of spirit. Obviously as we are discussing the reasons we list our chosen Heroes are amongst our Top 5 there are spoilers contained in this post. You can’t say we didn’t warn you. Lottie’s Top Five Horror Heroes 5. Father Karras - The Exorcist (1973) “Ego te absolvo in nomine Patris, et Filiii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.” The Whiskey Priest who faces his own demons in order to free a possessed child and regain his faith, Karras like any true hero gives up his life* in order to cast Pazuzu out of Regan’s body. *While at … There’s more

Two Sheets to the Wind: Top Five Slasher Movies

We’re continuing our look at horror for October. We’ve beheaded the zombies, vanquished the vampires and now we turn our blunt instruments to that other great horror staple, the slasher movie. Whether it’s the supernatural killing machine of Jason Voorhees or the quiet mummy’s boy Norman Bates, the psycho killer has both terrified and enthralled us for decades. One of the earliest examples of the mainstream slasher movie is Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho from 1960 and Hollywood still churns them out today. But it’s tough to define a slasher movie. Does A Nightmare on Elm Street and it’s subsequent sequels count as a slasher movie? It’s certainly has the crazed psycho killer, but does Freddy’s penchant for killing teens in their dreams make is more of a supernatural horror than slasher? How about Jigsaw’s traps and elaborate revenge schemes, does that exclude Saw from the genre - does it firmly belong … There’s more

Two Sheets To The Wind: Top 5 Horrors

Now this one I have really been looking forward to. I’ve banged on before about my great affinity for Horror Movies, the scary, gory, funny and kitsch alike. I expected to sit down to toil over one of the toughest lists so far but my Top 5 came forth with relative ease and I somehow managed to choose my top 5 each from a slightly different sub-genre of horror. So here goes: Lottie’s Top Five Horror Movies 5. Wolf Creek (2005) “See? Head on a stick!” I am a firm believer that brutal violence does not a true horror make. That is the reason that the Saw Franchise won’t make my list, despite Saw I being a spectacularly horrific and clever movie. I want however to consider the movies that have really affected me and Wolf Creek certainly meets that criteria. I watched 70% of the film from behind the … There’s more

Darren’s Movie News 04/06/09

I have missed loads over the last few days. Rick has already shown you the Toy Story 3 trailer and The Prisoner Promo. Well, I’ve plenty more: I mentioned before that Kevin Williamson was working on a new Scream Trilogy. Well, now it seems the Cox’s David and Courtney are on board. No word on Neve Campbell yet. Academy Award winning director of Slumdog Millionaire, Danny Boyle, may be returning to India to film another story in Mumbai, having acquired the film rights to Suketu Mehta’s 2004 book Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found. Do you remember Stretch Armstrong? A kind of rubber stretchy action man type toy. No, me neither. Apparently as part of the Hasbro Deal (responsible for the Monopoly and Battleship movies), Universal are making a film about him. Ok, it’s been rumoured before, but it seems that the Heathers sequel may finally happen. One of the … There’s more

Not Very Amusing

As one reviewer said “Amusement might end up being the most ironic title of the year, because there’s absolutely nothing amusing about it.” As Darren put it, it’s Scream, without the irony. The acting is poor. The story line flimsy. The characters badly conceived but I won’t say it’s all bad. It is wrought with 80′s horror cliches and embraces the lighter-hearted horror formula which works out well for those of us who can’t stomach the gore of New Horror like Saw and Hostel. It’s really only worth watching for one scene,this one.

Movie News 17/03/09

Reportedly Rihanna is in talks to remake The Bodyguard. The only good thing about this is that it might help wash away the memory of the awful original. God, I hate Keven Costner… (I wonder will Chris Brown be considered for the part of the bodyguard) Sam Jackson has signed on to play Nick Fury again. Not once, not twice, not thrice, but 9 more times. He will don the eye patch again for more cameos in Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America, The Avengers, some more sequels and for the lead in S.H.I.E.L.D. I mentioned it before on my own blog that Ridley Scott is planning a movie based on the board game Monopoly, but now Gore Verbinski is planning a film version of Cluedo. I guess it makes more sense than Monopoly - at least the murder mystery plot is easy to grasp than a plot where a … There’s more