Jesus, The Motion Picture
You know, when Mel made Passion of the Christ, he was definitely on to something with the subject matter. That was guaranteed to put arses on the cinema seats. He ticked the right box again with making it bloody, visceral, controversial even. But what he missed out on was the sci-fi factor. That would have broken all records. Sean has a pitch for Warner Bros for the ultimate Christ movie: …in the year 2253!! Being hunted by the half-dinosaur, half-people Jews, (hey, its how they evolved) Moses and Jenny, his parents, send him back in time to the year 0AD, with a locket around his neck telling people his name and some futuristic gadgets to perform his miracles, (such as ribena for the water into wine), watch as this great hero goes from child to legend… Ahem, I think we’ll put this one on the maybe pile…