Seán Ferrick’s Debate

I am very excited about seeing Debate, the award-winning play by Seán Ferrick, tonight. Born out of many of the questions facing the modern western world, it centers around the last courtroom and the last trial. God sits in defense, Satan acts as prosecutor. The outcome will determine who takes the reigns of power, and who fades into the ether. Four character witnesses give testimony. Through them, we see different themes addressed head-on. For example, if ‘Thou shalt not kill’ is a commandment, what is the fate of Soldiers who kill in war? How do hardline religious extremists affect religion as a whole? And, not least, can one act of fear destroy a person’s future, both before and after they die? A story in two acts, Debate won the award for Best Original Script of the year in UCD Dramsoc after its first run in 2009. It is a thought-provoking … There’s more