Absolut Fringe: Shane Byrne left his SLEEPING BAG in the car again…

Shane Byrne left his SLEEPING BAG in the car again… I was unsure about this show before I went in. I knew that Shane had done a very successful show, Group Therapy For One both at last years Fringe and at this years Kilkenny Arts Festival but I had managed to miss it both times. But surely someone who does one man shows is a bit of an egotist? A bit full of himself, a bit arrogant? Well maybe he is, but I certainly didn’t see it in ‘Shane Byrne left his SLEEPING BAG in the car again…’ The set, a scouting campsite, was done so simply and wonderfully. There was a small bit of audience participation which was great, it made everything comfortable and personal and it felt like a dialogue for the rest of the show rather than a monologue. Shane Byrne is a naturally funny guy and … There’s more