Sweary’s Jaw

Surreptitiously bothered that N-Dubz’ Dappy managed to father one child, let alone two. It may surprise you to learn that I’m a bit of a patriot. It may surprise my brother even more, who had a drunken go at me last month when I forgot to stand for the national anthem (South Galway is retrotastic like that). The fact is, I like being Irish. We may not be the best looking, or the most intelligent, or the least likely to suffer fools, but … but … We have nice accents and … erm … Anyway, I just thought I should assure you, at this late stage in the Game Of Jaw, that I do try to find Irish celebrity nonsense for you parochial scandalhounds to slaver over. The problem is, of course, that Irish celebrities are very boring. Perhaps you could argue that they’re mannered and classy, but I’m calling … There’s more

Darren’s Movie News 04/06/09

I have missed loads over the last few days. Rick has already shown you the Toy Story 3 trailer and The Prisoner Promo. Well, I’ve plenty more: I mentioned before that Kevin Williamson was working on a new Scream Trilogy. Well, now it seems the Cox’s David and Courtney are on board. No word on Neve Campbell yet. Academy Award winning director of Slumdog Millionaire, Danny Boyle, may be returning to India to film another story in Mumbai, having acquired the film rights to Suketu Mehta’s 2004 book Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found. Do you remember Stretch Armstrong? A kind of rubber stretchy action man type toy. No, me neither. Apparently as part of the Hasbro Deal (responsible for the Monopoly and Battleship movies), Universal are making a film about him. Ok, it’s been rumoured before, but it seems that the Heathers sequel may finally happen. One of the … There’s more