Cool but Ultimately Pointless - Social Media comes home

After all the hype in the last few weeks about Facebook and Twitter integration coming to Xbox 360 it finally happened yesterday. Today Sony has launched a firmware upgrade to 3.10, which will allow Facebook trophy and game sync support. So Microsoft’s great coup lasted all of one day? Nice.

Social Media Blues by Scott Rodgers

I normally despair at all the songs about “social media” because they’re rarely good. Let’s see how I can insert “social networking” into a song, rhyme it with something and hey, maybe I’ll become popular on You Tube. Wooo. They can be awful. This one, on the other hand, is actually quite good, in a “oh that’s amusing” kinda way. Fair play to them. I’ve listened to it at least three times. Wonder what that says about me? Thanks, Lauren for posting that, I think…