The Anti-Room Film Club
I was trying for ages to come up with a cool enough post title to suit the new Anti-Room Film Club, and I failed miserably. Puns didn’t seem appropriate, and my usual smartarseisms a bit too flippant. I think this is a really snappy idea, and not just because I also write for the Anti-Room. Disclaimer out of the way? Here we go, then. The Anti-Room, in case you’ve been living down a well, is a site written by a fantastically slapdash bunch of ladies who cover everything from pop culture to politics. We love film, and we love a lively discussion over drinks, so we’re combining the lot in our monthly film club, which starts tomorrow night, Wednesday 6th, in the Workman’s Club on Wellington Quay, Dublin! We’ll be showing cult or classic films, and there is sombre promise of cake. I shall be missing for the inaugural screening, … There’s more