The Family Jewels: Confessions of an Emerald.

I’m not the most disciplined Listener Of Albums, I have to admit. When I get my ears on a new offering, I tend to absorb it most haphazardly - a track here, a track there, repeat those two endlessly and forget completely about the eight in between until many months later, when my playlists have curled up at the ends. The upside to this is that I always have potential delights tucked into odd corners of my music folders. The downside, and of course it’s a shocker, is that I miss the full experience: to listen to the album as the artist intended. It’s a disrespectful habit at the best of times, and a downright disastrous one when you’ve got a concept album in your To Do pile. When I get a new album and listen to it all the way through, it means one of two things. One, that … There’s more