Darren’s Movie News 12/05/09

What a wonderful weekend. I am oh! so very relaxed today. The weather, the swimming pool, the excellent company and the copious amounts of alcohol - wunderbar. And so, this morning I played catch up - I’ve missed so many trailers over the past few days, and some small tidbits of news. So here goes… In strange news, they’re making a film version of American Gladiators. It can only be bad. Inglourious Basterds has not even gone on release yet and Tarantino has announced that he has the sequel half written. Interesting! Speaking of half written scripts, The Preacher is nearing a final draft. Sam Mendes will be bringing the comic book creation to the big screen. Universal, I love you. The studio is bringing a bunch of classics back to the big screen, such as Spartacus, The Blues Brothers, Scarface, The Thing and Animal House. Is there any movie … There’s more