Two Sheets to the Wind: Top Five Horror Heroes
We’ve covered our Top Five Slashers, Vampires and Zombies but what’s a horror without those fallible yet seemingly indestructible souls who despite always running upstairs rather than out the door manage to either get away with it or save the day. Those protagonists who possess no superpowers or special skill other than sheer determination of spirit. Obviously as we are discussing the reasons we list our chosen Heroes are amongst our Top 5 there are spoilers contained in this post. You can’t say we didn’t warn you. Lottie’s Top Five Horror Heroes 5. Father Karras - The Exorcist (1973) “Ego te absolvo in nomine Patris, et Filiii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.” The Whiskey Priest who faces his own demons in order to free a possessed child and regain his faith, Karras like any true hero gives up his life* in order to cast Pazuzu out of Regan’s body. *While at … There’s more