The Kybosh: Ignorance EP Launch

Featuring our very own Rob Cumiskey, the Kybosh release their first EP (having released a mini-album in 2008) on Oct 6th in Whelan’s Upstairs. The band comprises of Rob, his brother Donal, Brian and Anthony. The EP is called ‘Ignorance‘ and will feature three tracks including ‘Sunless‘,’Rise‘ and ‘Ignorance‘ for which the band has made a music video. The video itself looks like it was a ton of fun to make, who wouldn’t enjoy playing instruments while on a bouncing castle? The guys are wearing their Sunday best ala OK Go while blasting out ‘Ignorance‘, a theremin-backed, bass heavy tune with lyrics reminiscent of Matt Bellamy & co. The other tracks on the EP are definitely worth a listen too ‘Sunless’ to be a favourite with fans of Interpol or Editors and ‘Rise’ going a bit more ambient between the sheets. A solid tune with blasts of space echo. Of … There’s more