5 Christmas Covers We’d Like To See…


It’s that time of year again, the same old – mostly dire – collection of Christmas songs being played to death on the radio. What we really need is some reworking of these tired old tunes by some of those who made headlines in 2012… 1. Crystal Harris – All I Want For Christmas Is Hugh (Original by Mariah Carey) Or to give it its full title “All I Want For Christmas Is Hugh…Hefner’s Fortune”. It’s easy to make fun of the 86 year old’s planned marriage to someone 60 (SIXTY) years his junior….which is probably why so many media outlets have done just that. The old “So Debbie Magee, what first attracted you to millionaire Paul Daniels?” chestnut certainly springs to mind. Each new fiancée must feel like a slot on a roulette wheel, hoping Hef pops his clogs just after they tie the knot. All that being said, … There’s more

13,500 people sing Hey Jude in Trafalgar Square, London

I don’t think I need to add much to this. It made me smile. Even if it is an ad for a phone company.That is P!nk in the crowd. Brought to you by the same people behind the Liverpool Street Station dance. Update: could we do something like this in Ireland? What song would we sing? Answer here!