Gerrout yisser Glo-sticks for Utah Saints
The absolute bang of the early 90s off this: You’ve got to love Kate Bush for letting a pair of maddouravits like Utah Saints sample her classic Cloudbusting, but they went and made it a classic of their own. It’s a well known fact that everyone was off their boxes on dance drugs at least 60% of the time between 1988-1994 (even your Ma) and it’s a safe bet that tracks from Utah Saints, a duo from the north of England, were being heavily rotated on most of those nightclub turntables. Their anarchic, sample-heavy house music was en vogue and resulted in hits such as the aforementioned Something Good, What Can you Do For Me? and Believe in Me. Well the pair haven’t retired, much to my surprise. I’d have thought they’d be in some kind of long-term convalescent home, chilling out in the multi-sensory room for 5 hours a day. … There’s more