Marketing in Augmented Reality

Firstly, my apologies for the lack of post last week. I’ve been away for the last two weeks and internet has been in short supply. Sniffle. But no fear, ‘Infected’ is back with a BANG this week. Week 7 What are we discussing? Well how about, Augmented Reality and it’s use in marketing. What is Augmented Reality? It’s the blending of real-time footage, with 3-d graphics. And the results are simply incredible. We at Infected have already discussed ARGs or Alternate Reality Gaming where Marketers design ‘Games’ for their followers including the use of social media, mobile technology and real life events. Well, Augmented Reality (AR) takes the concept of interactive marketing to the extreme. Can you tell I’m a little bit excited about this? Still not sure what I’m on about? Think about Tom Cruise in Minority Report. AR features heavily in his job (remember the cool screen thing) … There’s more

Zombie’s Guide to Podcasting - 10 Tips

‘Infected’ is a weekly column by documenting Pop Culture in Viral Marketing. ‘Infected’ will also include sporadic ramblings on other random ‘viral’ topics…watch this space! Last week, we talked about the top tools available to Marketers. On Darren’s recommendation, we’re discussing one of those tools this week. Week 5 Idiots Zombie’s Guide to Podcasting 1. Get a quality Mic So, so important. I recommend Studio Projects B1 and a preamp, going through a simple tool like Garageband on a Macbook. Alternatively, the Zoom H-4 is a very portable and affordable quality mp3/Wave recorder. You record directly onto the drive and then export to Garageband for editing. Listeners Zombies know quality when they hear it. 2. Pick a good space If you don’t have a studio, make sure that you pick somewhere nice and quiet, with good absorption. You want rooms with carpets, curtains and soft furniture rather than echoey … There’s more

The Top 10 Viral Marketing Tools

‘Infected’ is a weekly column by documenting Pop Culture in Viral Marketing. ‘Infected’ will also include sporadic ramblings on other random ‘viral’ topics…watch this space! We spoke about The Flea Factor last week and distinguished the difference between something that is so easy to do, like posting a clip on youtube, and the art of creating a truly remarkable viral marketing campaign. This week, we discuss the various tools available to marketers around the web, that can assist with a Viral campaign. Week 4 - The Top 10 Viral Marketing Tools

The Flea Factor

‘Infected’ is a weekly column by documenting Pop Culture in Viral Marketing. ‘Infected’ will also include sporadic ramblings on other random ‘viral’ topics…watch this space! Last weeks article covered the general topic of how to spread an idea (to Zombies ). I thought I’d delve a little into the development of the study behind the transmission of ideas in popular culture and what it means for marketing. To summarize last weeks article: Want to spread your ideas? Target your zombies, connect them and lead them with well designed material and engaging interactive content. I mentioned something that I called ‘The Flea Factor’. It described the short attention span that Zombies of this world have. This week we’re going to discuss what that means for your ideas and how they spread. Week 3 - Infected - The Flea Factor Memetics Way back in 1976, Richard Dawkins (author of ‘The God Delusion‘) introduced a … There’s more

Infected - How to Infect Zombies with your Ideas.

‘Infected’ is a weekly column by documenting Pop Culture in Viral Marketing. ‘Infected’ will also include sporadic ramblings on other random ‘viral’ topics…watch this space! Last week’s article gave a very good example of how a struggling music industry can move its marketing tactics cleverly towards interacting effectively with its customers. Trent Reznor was the example. Reznor has taken the position of Leader of the Nine Inch Nails ‘Tribe’, and has used many innovative methods, both new and old, in order to create a community of followers who are increasingly engaged with what he is producing in terms of musical/artistic output. Week Two: Infected - How to Infect Zombies with your Ideas Zombies and The Power of Context Most people will have heard of the Kitty Genovese story. She was stabbed to death in New York in 1964 by a serial rapist and murderer. The murder took place over … There’s more

Infected - Reznor and Innovation

‘Infected’ will be a weekly column by documenting Pop Culture in Viral Marketing. ‘Infected’ will also include sporadic ramblings on other random ‘viral’ topics…watch this space!

This Week we have our first post:

Reznor and Innovation

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