The Wax Museum Plus is now open in Dublin. Photos and thoughts from a walk around.
Here’s a picture for you. What sort of memories, if any, does it provoke for you? Photo via What about this one? When I was growing up and only getting to Dublin once a year (the sister or meself in the All Ireland Dancing Finals in the Mansion House) there was no greater treat than the National Wax Museum over on Granby Row, Dublin 1. God, I loved the place. As poor as the models were, as dark and dingy and made of plastecine and sticklebricks that it seemed to be and as often as I went there, there was no rival to it, simply because of how bad it was. Bad though in a very entertaining way. The tunnels frightened the bejaysus out of me. I was sorry to hear that it was closing down in 2005 (though at that stage I hadn’t been to it for years) … There’s more