Congratulations to the Irish Wife Carrying Team

They did it!!! Day 7 brought them to their final destination, their 7th country in seven days, Finland. At the Wife Carrying Championships, Ciara and James entered the Sprint, Team/Relay and main Wife Carrying Competition and managed to bring home the trophies, coming in 3rd in the relay event and defending their “Most Entertaining Couple” crown. Ruaidhri even managed to find himself a wife in Helsinki. Check out the Irish Wife Carrying Team’s finest hour: For more details on Ciara and James’ trip or to find out more about the insane Championship, go to Day 6: Ruaidhri Tries to find a Wife to Carry Wife Carrying Day 5/6: The Great Hamburg(er) Challenge Day Four: Even The Wife Carriers Have World Cup Fever Days 1, 2 and 3 Introduction

Day 6: Ruaidhri Tries to find a Wife to Carry

Ruaidhri, I’m pretty sure you can get arrested for running off with women like that. Ciara, Ruaidhri, Paul and James seemed to have a ball in Copenhagen. I’m going with them next year!!! Wife Carrying Day 5/6: The Great Hamburg(er) Challenge Day Four: Even The Wife Carriers Have World Cup Fever Days 1, 2 and 3 Introduction

The Wife Carrying Begins - Days 1, 2 and 3

Day One of the Wife Carrying Team Marathon Trip to Finland involved leaving Cork on the Fastnet Line ferry to Swansea…great fun on board, with a wedding ceremony and all. Check out Ciara and James’ first day’s travelling: Days Two and Three brought them across Wales and the UK and managed to get a late train through the Eurotunnel into France, before heading into Bruges. Looks like a lot of fun: