The Wolfman 2010

A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to see the original Wolfman screening in Denzille Lane. Classic camp horror, made great by a cast that neither hammed it up nor took it too seriously. It was fun, easy and I really enjoyed the film. Benicio Del Toro’s modern retelling of the tale – I’d be of the same opinion. It’s a good action movie, with plenty to keep the heart racing. There’s some fine performances, but it’s no masterpiece. Set in the late 1800s, it tells the story of Lawrence Talbot (Del Toro), a man who left his childhood home in rural England after a family tragedy and never looked back. However, the strange death of his brother Ben, who was found in the woods savagely attacked, prompts him to return and face his father (Anthony Hopkins) and try to solve the murder. Emily Blunt plays Ben’s grief-stricken … There’s more

Denzille Cinema

Darren had mentioned in a previous post that we were there to see the wolfman movie and with that in mind I should also note that Simply Zesty and Universal really do deserve this second mention of thanks. That done and said….. where we watched the film made it so very special….. Myself, Darren and Anthony caught up with Laura of Denzill Cinemas after the show….

It’s a big bright night, let’s howl at the moon

Universal and Simply Zesty invited a bunch of us along to see the classic Hollywood horror The Wolf Man last night. Chock full of the great horror heroes Claude Rains, Bela Lugosi and Lon Chaney Jr., it was a great experience to see it on the big screen. The screen in question was Denzille Lane cinema, an intimate venue that has no more than 30 seats. A few beers and some pizza before the film didn’t stop a few people from scoffing at the ancient black and white horror, but I loved it. As with Benicio del Toro’s remake (released 12th February) the 1941 movie centres on Larry Talbot (Chaney) who returns home after many years away to take charge of the family estate alongside his father (Rains). On a night out wooing one of the local girls, he is attacked and bitten by a wolf. Though he kills the … There’s more