A Decade in Switching Off
RTE are renowned for turkeys. Their most famous turkey, Dustin, has a new DVD (just in time for Chrsitmas) chronicling his own twenty years on Irish telly. However, some of the turkeys on Irish television weren’t planned that way. So now I present to you the Ten Worst Irish TV Programs of the 00s. It’s not a Top Ten, more like a Bottom Ten. In chronological order… The Cassidys (2001) Before becoming a Perrier-nominated stand-up comedian, Ed Byrne was that goofy looking guy on irish television. He appeared in an episode of Father Ted and presented his own Just For Laughs for Network 2. (Yeah, it was Network 2 or N2 back then.) But his lowest ebb had to be “Ireland’s answer to Friends.” The Cassidys was more like Ireland’s answers to former schoolmates you’ve rejected multiple times on Facebook, yet keep calling over. It was anything but funny. It’s … There’s more