X Blather 2010: Sepp Blatter

Sepp Blatter is the Simon Cowell of FIFA, the world soccer governing body. This week (and last), his organisation has been involved in a bribery and corruption scandal. Similarly, it’s scandalous how Katie Waissel keeps coming back on X Factor from week to week. Now how tentative was that title? Soon, I’m going to run out of things that sound like Blather…Anyway, on to the main event.

X Blather 2010: Empty Bladder

Heroes Week on X Factor this week. Whose heroes, I don’t know, but that was the theme. Like one of those costume parties with a theme, where there’s thirteen gangsters and then a priest. Sadly, Sunday night’s eviction show saw the pirate leaving the party, and their was also an exit for the only person to totally Adedeji their hair so far this season (yes, it’s now a verb).

X Blather, With Ronan and Sweary!.. part deux.

For those of you who missed the latest X Factor showdown (or for those of you who watched it but are far too dithery to form powerful opinions on it yourself) and could really, really do with something profound to spout at the water-cooler in the office when the leering eyes of your brighter colleagues are upon you … here’s the second installment of Ronan and Sweary’s intelligent, thoughtful and helpfully weekly X Factor debate. Will they come to blows over Stacey? Will Joe prompt in them night-terrors again this week? Is it a bit mean to bring up Cheryl’s conviction for assault after all these years? Why not read on and decide for yourself! The X Factor: Take That / Elton John Week! Sweary: I take it we agree it HAS to be Lloyd’s time … Ronan: It sure does. Simon opened the show saying everyone deserved to be … There’s more

X Blather, with Ronan and Sweary!

What better way to watch a show as entertaining and giddy and gloriously pointless as The X Factor than with another Culchie just as hopelessly devoted as yourself? Sweary and Ronan thought so. Gasp at their thoughtful analysis! Admire their reasoned debate! Laugh at how hopelessly incorrect their predictions were! Yes, folks, it’s time! For Ronan and Sweary! To face! THE MUSIC! The X Factor: George Michael Week As the preamble begins, and the butter melts into the popcorn, our intrepid correspondents swap reflections on the story so far. Well, at least as much of it as they can fit into the time taken up by The X Factor’s mandatory recap of last week’s show. Sweary: First thing’s first. I love Stacey Ronan: What is it about her? Her voice? Sweary: I used to love her voice … she’s starting to bore me a bit now, but she seems like … There’s more