Facebook Timeline, Mad Men style

When Don Draper sets his mind to it, he can construct a sincere and effective pitch to sell most anything. With Facebook’s launch of it’s latest innovation to cater for those who like to stalk, Facebook Timeline, you can now compile a collage of details, characteristics, favourites, social apps and of course countless pictures to portray the full life you lead. Someone very smart has taken a clip from Mad Men, where Don Draper is making a pitch and as it happens, the dialogue is suited perfectly to creating a nostalgic, aspirational tone about the new launch. The clip has some smart and funny comments inserted into Draper’s presentation and is a knowing treat for Mad Men fans.

The mother of all…

Three quick videos for you. Firstly, the mother of all funk chords - a guy called Kutiman takes loads of unrelated YouTube videos and cuts and sticks them together into a funky coherent musical performance: And then a video that I’ve loved for years, the mother of all trailers. In a world where the steaks stakes are high and DEATH can make you DEAD… Finally, just because it came up in search, the mother of all pranks - those German TV people do it in style: