How Zac Efron Killed

Firstly, I’d like to apologise for’s downtime yesterday evening. It was a strange one - not the usual Server Timeout, Bad Gateway, WordPress Error, DNS lookup problem or any of the other many impossible-to-decipher reasons for a website to fail. In fact, we know exactly why the site was down. Zac Efron killed it!!! Fine, he may not have logged in, targeted us and set about taking down all of our hard work, but it’s still his fault. Just after 5pm yesterday evening, the site began to display an error where neither the main site nor the admin side of the site could be accessed. I bounded over to Twitter ask asked @Blacknight what was the issue. Blacknight is the hosting provider for and a number of other sites I administrate. They immediately came back to me:

Movie News 14/04/09

Well, with the Easter hiatus, I have loads and loads of movie news to catch up on, including a shed load of trailers. Check out the new trailer for Michael Mann’s Public Enemies: It looks like the hit Broadway musical, Spring Awakening, which I think is a pile of steaming crap, is coming to the big screen with Terminator Salvation’s director, McG, in charge. Odd! In more Ghostbusters news, Dan Aykroyd (whose name I constantly have to check the spelling of) has hinted that there will be a number of new Ghostbusting recruits under the wing of mentors Ray, Egon, Venkman and Winston. Aykroyd has said there will “lots of cadets”. This could be good news for the storyline. Further evidence from a TV spot that Terminator Salvation is likely to have a measily PG-13 rating: