So, Spiderman 4 has been given a release date for May 2011. I was never a huge Spiderman or Sam Raimi fan so I’m a little hopeful that he’ll look at what has been done with Comic book and Superhero movies since the last one and up his game.
In a case of hot body/weird face, maybe Kirstin Dunst should be reconsidered as she hasn’t yet confirmed that she’ll return as Mary Jane. Personally I could name a dozen natural hot red heads that would fill her shoes perfectly.
Anyway, I just happened to stumble across some of the taglines for the first Spiderman movie back in 2002. For those who don’t know, a tag line is it’s a line that tries to sum up the entire plot, theme and tone of a movie in a single sentence.
Some of the lines are so cringe worthy that you’d think they were thrown around a marketing meeting during a brainstorming session. They certainly shouldn’t have seen the light of day.
Now some of them are truly terrible. I could have done a better job, so I think I’ll give it a go:
- There’s a real swinger in town, baybee
- Peter Parker shoots his goo
- Kirstin Dunst has great nipples
- Like seriously, did you see them in that rainy scene?
- Rain + Kirstin Dunst + no bra = Box office smash
- Peter gets his Webenge
- Who’s your Daddy Long Legs?
Hollywood producers, job offers in an email please.
Kristen Dunst has a hot body?!
That girl doesn’t own a bra and the droop is beginning to show. That’s all I’m sayin.
It’s better than her face. As for the droop, her nipples in that movie kind of distracted me.
Yours are genuinely better.
There’s going to be a fourth? Oh god help us…