Holy bad marketing, Spiderman!

So, Spiderman 4 has been given a release date for May 2011. I was never a huge Spiderman or Sam Raimi fan so I’m a little hopeful that he’ll look at what has been done with Comic book and Superhero movies since the last one and up his game.

In a case of hot body/weird face, maybe Kirstin Dunst should be reconsidered as she hasn’t yet confirmed that she’ll return as Mary Jane. Personally I could name a dozen natural hot red heads that would fill her shoes perfectly.

Anyway, I just happened to stumble across some of the taglines for the first Spiderman movie back in 2002. For those who don’t know, a tag line is it’s a line that tries to sum up the entire plot, theme and tone of a movie in a single sentence.

Some of the lines are so cringe worthy that you’d think they were thrown around a marketing meeting during a brainstorming session. They certainly shouldn’t have seen the light of day.

Here they are.

Now some of them are truly terrible. I could have done a better job, so I think I’ll give it a go:

  • There’s a real swinger in town, baybee
  • Peter Parker shoots his goo
  • Kirstin Dunst has great nipples
  • Like seriously, did you see them in that rainy scene?
  • Rain + Kirstin Dunst + no bra = Box office smash
  • Peter gets his Webenge
  • Who’s your Daddy Long Legs?

Hollywood producers, job offers in an email please.

About Maxi Cane

Sniffin' around yer ma, she loves it. She also loves it Here and Here

4 Responses to Holy bad marketing, Spiderman!

  1. voodoo says:

    Kristen Dunst has a hot body?!

    That girl doesn’t own a bra and the droop is beginning to show. That’s all I’m sayin.

  2. Maxi Cane says:

    It’s better than her face. As for the droop, her nipples in that movie kind of distracted me.

  3. Darren Byrne says:

    Spider, spider, spider, go squish!


    Yours are genuinely better.

  4. TheChrisD says:

    There’s going to be a fourth? Oh god help us…