Go see Cirque de Legume at Filmbase this week. You’ll love it.
What it’s called: The Cirque de Légume Where it is: Filmbase, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 When it is: Tonight to Saturday September 12 at 9m How long it is: 55 minutes How much it is: €16 or €13 What they say: Quite simply the Greatest Vegetable Circus on Earth! In this piece of comic absurd theatre we meet Mister & Missus, two genius performers who find a hidden beauty in cast-off vegetables from which they make a wonderful show full of excitement, danger, and sensuality! Marvel at the Veget-animal! Gape at the Magical Carrot! Enthrall at the Leek of Power! Fantasise over the Onion Strip Tease! The Cirque de Légume shows us how beautiful life can be if we only stop to play with it. You’ll never look at an onion the same way again. What I say: The only proper way to start this review of Cirque de Légume, … There’s more