Guest Post: I’m A Celebrity - Get Me Out Of Here!

None of the Culchies wanted to talk about I’m a Celebrity… I can’t think why. It’s profound, enlightening and full of interesting characters. Ahem! Needless to say, I won’t be following the show this year (or any other year), but it seemed so wrong to be a pop culture site and not talk about one of the biggest pop culture thingies on TV at the moment. So, I put the call out on Twitter for someone to talk about this years contestants and I got a few replies. The first of which is DJ Spider (I’m unsure as to whether this is his name from birth - I thought it impolite to ask). There’s more to follow. Please make them feel welcome to the Culchie fold. - Darren So I’m a Celebrity - Get me out of here! has started. This time we have Lucy Benjamin - EastEnders and Press … There’s more

One to Watch - Caravan Palace

Technically speaking Caravan Palace are not a new band; they’ve been around for over ten years but things only took off in 2005. They do lots of tours of continental Europe. The reason they do so much on the continent is because they are from there. Based in Paris, France the band of Arnaud, Zoe, Antoine, Hughes, Camille and Charles consist of a bunch of Jazz addicts, particularly the work of Django Reinhardt and old gypsy swing (aka manouche jazz). The group includes a singer, a clarinettist, a trombonist who doubles up on percussion and a guitarist. Of course given that three of the group are electronic music producers, it wasn’t going to be trad jazz. The video above is of “la caravane qui t’emmene” and you not only get to hear what I mean, but you get to see them perform complicated stuff live; no easy task.

Calling all bands! is all about new bands today. Whether it’s having the chance to play support to the great Jack L or something a little more material - the opportunity of some recording time and inclusion on a Hotpress CD: The JD Set is apparently Ireland’s longest running competition for unsigned bands. Jack Daniels is inviting all unsigned bands (over 18 years of age) to register on the official website, for the chance to be one of 20 bands who will be shortlisted in January 2010 to play in heats stages in Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway and Waterford. The heats will run from February to April 2010. Each location will then select one act to go through to Final in The Village, Dublin next April where they will compete for the overall prize. Le Prize As winners of The JD Set 2010, the winning band will receive: advice from The JD … There’s more

Couch Potato - DVDs out this week

It’s Tuesday again friends, a day named for the Norse god Tyr, god of law and war. Whilst we have nothing in our goodie bag on the law side this week, we do have plenty with fighting. Some of those fights are interstellar, some domestic and yet another is within the confines of one man’s head. For this is a day truly worthy of the gods with offerings of such majesty that the heart can scarcely believe.

Do you want to play support to Jack L?

Jack L, my favourite male vocalist, returns to Greystones Theatre on 23rd December for another intimate, seductive gathering. He is always amazing to watch and listen to, but never more so than in these smaller, intimate venues. Support Between now and then, Greystones Theatre is offering bands and musicians the chance to play support for Jack L on the night of the 23rd. Every Thursday at 9pm (it started last Thursday 12th November) they are holding singer/songwriter nights. Registration is €10 and each night is sure to showcase something new. Every performance will be recorded and made available on YouTube but one performer will be selected to play an opening support slot to Jack L at Greystones Theatre on the 23rd December plus a cash prize. For further details, contact [email protected].

Sweary’s Jaw

Surreptitiously establishing who in Jaysus’s name Carrie Prejean is, so you don’t have to. There’s no particular theme to this week’s Jaw, so fans of order and propriety, log off now. Celebrities are creatures of chaos; they inhabit a world where law and order is but a TV show to be peppered with clumsy cameos. They’re hardly going to co-ordinate their stupidity for the likes of me. Besides, most of them have been horrifically boring this week, or horrific non-entities, making them boring by default (I can’t imagine anyone cares whether or not Jordan’s boobs contract malaria). Now that we’ve all gagged on that mental image, we can press on. The latest name in esteemed idiocy is, of course, Calvin Harris. Calvin, head embellished with a pineapple, stormed the stage during John and Edward’s performance on last week’s X Factor with such panache, such focus, that I didn’t even notice … There’s more

Fantasy Teen US Drama

If you had to pick your own fantasy cast of a teen US drama, who would make the short list? Here’s what I’d go for: The hot, rich and troubled leading lady Serena van der Woodsen. Unlike your average melodramatic teen heroine, Serena most of the time ends up in trouble while trying to do good so she’s not as annoying as the standard drama queen rich girl. Apart from her bodily and wardrobe aesthetics, her hair is a product of the divine. I could watch it for hours. The hot, not so rich and/or troubled leading man This is a tough one. Dan Humphrey is too much of a prejudiced inverse snob, Lucas Scott was too much up his own arse and don’t even get me started on Ryan Atwood, so I’ve gone back in time to the downtown, boy next door, nice-guy Brandon Walsh. The Wing Man The … There’s more