Miike Snow’s new video features Destiny’s Child’s ghettofabulous twins

These are good days for pop music; we have Lady Gaga blazing a trail for the interesting and provocative, Plan B shaking things up with Streets-esque tunes and some great home-grown music from the likes of Two Door Cinema Club. Miike Snow joined the pop party last year with their eponymous début featuring the insanely catchy Animal. This trio of Swedes were no fresh-faced talent competition winners though. Veterans of the scene both as musicians and producers they knew exactly what was needed to break into the charts.

The band are currently “pulling a Lady Gaga” by re-releasing a deluxe edition of their début which will include two remixes of past songs, a brand new single called The Rabbit and a remix of this new single by 2007-golden-boy-producer-and-go-to-man-of-the-year winner Mark Ronson. Miike Snow clearly have producer-friends in high places; the original version of The Rabbit has Stuart Price at the controls (Madonna, Kylie, The Killers, Gwen Stefani etc. etc.) and is another killer, catchy pop track.

The video for The Rabbit has just been released and if you like ‘em idiosyncratic, colourful and with lots of chicks in tight, revealing clothes then this is the stuff for you. It features what I can only describe as Destiny’s Child’s drrrtier alter egos (I don’t think these girls would pray before performing, somehow), a few dozen stray dogs, a fake-bearded 10-year-old with some pretty awesome dance moves, a mysterious man in a suit and a pet goat. It ends with a psychedelic beach dance sequence I don’t know what to make of. But I do know I likes it.

The re-release of Miike Snow is available on the 12th July.

About Éilish Burke

Éilish writes the Ad Nauseam series of posts for Culch.ie as well as some other bit and bobs. She used to work in adland and still likes to dissect the advertising she comes across, though these days mainly from the comfort of her couch and in the form of angry tirades while her flatmate rolls her eyes to heaven. She secretly harbours smug feelings that instead of saving and putting a deposit on a house she spent all her life savings on extravagant holidays and has therefore escaped a lifetime in negative equity. She co-runs a company called Amp Music Marketing. You can get in touch with her at eilishburke{at}gmail{dot}com or follow her on Twitter.

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