Pics: Tonight It’s Miller Time Launch

Pictured are some of the lads and ladies who attended last week’s launch of Tonight It’s Miller Time.       The shindig at Krystle, Harcourt Street, was to announce details of Miller’s Tonight Dublin, Tomorrow Ibiza event happening this Friday July 1st. 75 venues are taking part, 75 winners will be selected on the night and they and a friend will board Miller’s private flight to Ibiza for 24 hours on the club scene on July 2nd. Interested? Here’s the real money shot, details of the bars that are taking part…

Sweary’s Jaw: A Lowe Blow

Well, holy rolling eyeballs, but didn’t we get very angsty about Zane Lowe’s response to Lauren Laverne’s response to Beyoncé’s… er, beyonse? Twitter lit up with the indignation of it, friends fell out over it, otherwise rational people called for Lowe’s head on a platter, delivered to Ms. Knowles’/Mrs. Z’s feet so she could shimmy some sweet rage all over his lolling jawbone… It was all very exciting, really, and just the job to get our Monday morning moving. If you’ve spent the last day and a half in a cave, you may be gratified to learn that this controversy stems from Lowe’s seeming less than orgasmic when asked what he thought about Beyoncé’s headlining Glastonbury performance. After co-host Laverne near buzzed right through the ceiling on delight and pop-epiphany, telling us that she felt that Beyoncé’s performance epitomised pop music and was an extraordinary reimagining of the ideal Glastonbury … There’s more

Go Swoon at The Dying Seconds at The Workman’s Club. The National Commands It!

Waiting on the next big bang in your day-to-day? Ah, good news then! Purveyors of delicious soundscapes and all-round interesting people The Dying Seconds play The Workman’s Club this Thursday, so, you know, you’d want to get your arse ’round to that. From two fellas with laptops to a full line-up of musicians playing all kinds of everything (including lots of drums, we’re told), The Dying Seconds have hugely expanded on the sounds and styles of 2007′s eponymous debut and are bursting to get out there and churn up a storm. Having just finished work on their second album, Glimmerers, the gang have planned a blast of live dates to take them through the rest of 2011 … well worth catching, but don’t just take my word for it. The National found ‘em when in Dublin recently, where Aaron had this to say: “A bunch of us fell for the … There’s more

The Jeanie Johnston

I’d been on this boat recently for the launch of The Henrietta Game album, but it’s come back up in conversation for very different reasons. Howth Peninsula Heritage Society - Our next lecture is: ‘The Famine Ship Jeanie Johnston’, by John O’Neill - Tuesday June 28th at 8 p.m. in the Howth Angling Centre, West Pier, Howth. All are welcome, non-members 4 euros. Is that the boat I was on I thought? I’ve met a variance in spellings since last Friday. I went back to Dermot - he’s the Hon. Secretary of the Society. To be sure, to be sure. I got this reply: I’ve confirmed now that the correct name of the ship is the Jeanie Johnston. If you can’t make it Howth, you can in case you didn’t know do a tour of the replica ship that sits along Dublin’s Custom House. Quay. Why, some might ask is this ship … There’s more