You may think you have seen this video…. you haven’t.
Courtesy of the fine upstanding ladies and gentlemen of Cork Campus Radio UCC 98.3FM Ireland’s only 24/7 student radio station….. this is pure gold.
You can go say thanks to them over on the twittersphere @corkcampusradio.
And before anyone suggests it….
- I didn’t go looking for this - it found me
- I don’t know The Brunkster
- I have never taken part in a mate campaign
- I have did not have a relation with Monica Lewinsky
- if i got up and sang at oxegen - amanda would be entitled to
say I was shitecriticise - thats what happens when you do gigs
- rock and roll man etc
- straight after this I will be hugging a tree
- anyway the wind blows….
- Frankie says Relax